How to use in the best way the digital technologies for face-to-face teaching?

This is the challenge set by “Filling the Gap: OER for supporting teachers in distance learning”, a project dedicated to strengthening the digital skills of teachers and educators in European schools, with the ultimate aim of making education more innovative and inclusive.
If, following the Covid-19 pandemic we have finally managed to return to face-to-face teaching, how can we not disperse the positive aspects that online has brought to the School?
Filling the Gap is a project funded by the Erasmus+ program and coordinated by Irecoop ER as lead partner, together with a work team made up of teachers and researchers from six other European organizations (a university, four secondary schools and a social cooperative expert in inclusive and digital educational services). Started in June 2021, the project has developed two digital products, paying attention to the inclusive aspects towards students with mild intellectual disabilities.
The MOOC on Distance Learning is a free online course, divided into four modules, which accompanies teachers in the acquisition of digital skills useful for:
- structuring teaching activities – module 1, Didactic planning
- evaluate – module 2, Evaluation
- using Open Educational Resources – module3, OER
- paying attention to the well-being of teachers and students – module 4, Inclusion and well-being
Together with the MOOC, a Kit of 24 distance and blended teaching activities was created, divided by subject, age of students, duration, resources used, tests and tools. The MOOC on distance Learning and the Distance Learning Activities Kit are available in six languages, free of charge, on the Filling the Gap website.
The project partners held several multiplier events in the different partner countries to present and disseminate the results of the project.
The project activities finish with the final event, but Filling the Gap certainly does not end here! So far, already more than 692 people have visited the website, and 144 teachers and educators have completed, or are attending, the online course. The challenge has been taken up and Filling the Gap continues its journey to spread the excellences produced.