Evaluation during Covid pandemic
During the first months of the Covid pandemic, we were all at a loss as to how evaluation should be carried out. We were so much worried about cheating that I think we mostly forgot about formative assessment. it was frustrating to constantly envision our students as potential cheaters, it sort of deformed the way we looked at them and the way we planned our lessons as well. Personally, especially at the beginning, it felt like a sort of competition where both teachers and students were doing their best to outsmart the others. Later on, after acquiring some more confidence in the use of digital tools, most teachers (me included, obviously this was my experience) became less “evaluation” oriented and started to pay more attention to the real quality of the lesson, to the idea of motivation behind each lesson: in a real classroom students are “prisoners” of ours, they cannot escape, not physically at least but online it’s so much easier to just pretend to be there. Personally I think that is when the full scale of the importance of formative assessment hit me. This also helped me realise how much I’d been depending on formally evaluating my students as often as possible, without really caring about what was behind those scores.
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